There are so many exams for which you study and make notes. If you’re looking at an institute, they will ask you to make notes, and if you’re studying by yourself, you will have to prepare your notes. All those who prepare for a competitive exam and learn something new or take any fun classes, such as music class, stitching class, or even any makeup or cooking classes. Notes help you keep everything you’ve learned well organized and saved in a diary or notebook to refer to it further.
People often make notes while learning new things, but most of them make it so much messy that it gets complicate for them to understand their handwriting. Notes get prepared so that you can easily read them whenever needed and that if anyone else goes through your notes, he/she also understands it. Let’s see the points given below on how to prepare notes for yourself properly.
Get the right material
To start making notes for your classes, you need to get the right materials and stationary. First, learn how long your syllabus can be and how big a notebook you would prefer to make notes. Most people buy 2-3 small notebooks to make notes for one subject. This looks like a bad idea if one of the notebooks gets lost? So the better option is to buy a register and write down your complete notes on it. Get yourself many pens of the same type and similar color to change your writing color with the change in pen.
Use Colours
Notes can be made a lot understandable and neat if you use some colors to highlight their essential headings and subheadings. This technique will help you to find the topics when you revise quickly. For example, you can write all the blue headings and their subheadings in green, while all other text can be black. You can make diagrams with an orange-colored pen and mark essential points with a red pen. So using colorful pens or markers is very important while making notes. It becomes easy to find topics during revision. And your messages look nice and presentable.

Make it short
Do not write down everything from the book. Write only the essential points. Make sure you write short sentences that are easy to understand. For example, you can use a particular word to refer to an example so that when you read the story, you remember the whole instance. Keep in mind that you are not writing down the entire book. You make notes, so let them be short and simple. Make use of bullet points and numbered lists to make them organized.
Use flowcharts and drawings
While making notes, you must make drawings or illustrations of your writing topic. This makes the notes creative as well as understandable. You can better understand the issues as you will see the diagram and refer to it. Flowcharts help in easy understanding and making things simpler. If you have to learn a long process, check the flowchart, and you will always remember it in mind.

Date your notes
Always date your notes. You can write a small date in the top corner of your diary, whenever you start a new topic. This will let you know which date you studied what topics, and if you need to search or find out any topic while revising, you can open it according to the date you mentioned. Writing dates makes things much organized. And if your notes are proper and organized, you’ll have no problem referring to them in time of need. So never forget to mention the date.
Leave space
After you have completed writing about a particular topic, leave some space, at least 2-3 pages, so that is you learn more about that topic later, or if any points have been ignored by mistake, then you can cover it up in those pages, without disturbing the flow. This way, all the same topics get covered under the same heading. You need not search for one topic elsewhere. So make sure to leave enough space after completing one topic.
To know how to make a creative assignment, read here
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